Individual Assignment_Reflective Writing(IMD312)_Elisamaria Sylvester Banting_2021210018_

 I ‘ve got my offering letter from my email in 2021. I was so scared , because I felt like I should enter form 6 that time because I thought that time I was not ready to enter university especially, when it’s far away from home. My sister was the one who changed my mind and saying that this kind of opportunities is rare because my faculty that time which is Information management can give a lot of job opportunities in the future. Since I started my semester 1 via online, it was going pretty well, because I was studying at home while attending class online. But then, when I entered  our semester 2, I was so  scared because we will be starting to study physically and it will be far away from home which I was so scared. I learn to adapt myself here in Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak which took me like months to adapt myself. For example, every time we have mid semester or a special holiday I would go back home. But then, I started to force myself to try stay here in UITM without going back home except on holiday semester and learn to like this course, which have help me to adapt myself.

Truthfully, being a student in UITM is not that easy.The event that I want to highlight here is that not everything is easy and sometimes you have to learn to accept the fact that life have its ups and downs. Especially, when you are an Information Management student. Being an Information Management student meaning that you have to learn about resources in the library , how to access the information, how to promote the products and services using only the information that have been given, the cataloging , as well as learning the technical support services and maintenance for information. It sounds easy but actually it’s not, you have to work smart, hard working and have a good teamwork with your other groups assignments every time you assigned with them. 

The issue that I want to state here is that life is not easy but learning something new is the best thing you can do to your new journey because on my understanding on this subject the Information Management (IM110) is not easy to understand. This last semester, we learn about the (IMD312) which is about Information Services for Information Agencies. This course have their own importance that can help us know how to acquire, manage information and other skill knowledge. Though, this course like my sister says can gave me a lot of opportunities to have a job in the future such as a librarian, Assistant Information Officers, Assistant Administration Officers and many more job opportunities that related to Information Management.This course which is the Information Management also help me to realize that a record not only exist as a record, but a record is created from the beginning and will be disposed at the end, but, you need an approval first from officers at the Archives to get permission to disposed it. I also began to realize that in Information Management course have let us know that there are different types of information agencies, responsibilities and the objectives of their own organizations. This subject is not easy to understand if you haven’t learn it since high school but if you tried to understand it, it will increase your interest to learn more about this course.

 This course can help changing the perceptions or view about being a librarian, because as I understand it, people’s opinion about librarian is not that high. Actually, a librarian focus on a lot of things such as user services, technical services, and also an administrative services. We as a student of Information Management also learned about indexes and abstracts which is one of my favourite topic in this course. Most abstracts are descriptive but some abstract services contain an evaluative abstracts.We also learned about bibliography, where a  complete record have all areas of interest including the current, past and future record. An ideal bibliographic should be easy to access,allows librarian to approach the exact unit in terms of the subject, author,publisher,year and so on.


Before I stating the relation between the issue in my future practices , I wanted to say thank you to Madam Nurfaizah binti Kamarudin as our faculty advisor for always being there for us whenever we need her through out our entire semester. As a conclusions , the relations between the issue and evident in my future practices is that my understanding about this course which is the Information Management (IM110) is to be responsible and having a high knowledge about the records and information that will be shared to the public and academic people such as students ,government,researchers and faculty advisor. If they can access the information through the library website and as for the record like in Archives, most of the records are confidential,so, they have to ask a permission from the department to borrow the resources for them to use. This course also aimed toward the knowledge and the right data to be kept in the company. There are actually a lot of things that I have learned since I started my program in Semester 1, which is not that easy because of a slow learner I am. But, the good thing is that the more I try to understand and learn new things the more I understand the course and the more I feel grateful about being in this course because of the increasing interest in me about the course which is the Information Management. I hope that in the future I got a job opportunities that have a relation with this course so that I can do my job with greatness and a strong spirit, also because I don’t want to feel that I fail in life in the end, so, I hope I can reach the bright future that I always dream of.
